Ganbare Goemon - Kurunarakoi! Ayashi geikka no kuroikage! [Konami the Best] Japan

Ganbare Goemon - Kurunarakoi! ayashigeikka no kuroikage!' (or 'Until the Love Comes! The Black Shadow of the Ayashi Family') is the only 3D iteration of the series on the Playstation. At first glance, it looks great - running in the PSOne's high res mode, it runs at a slick 60 FPS with extraordinarily smooth graphics that look far better than the muddy N64 games. That is, until you see the horrendous amount of polygon seams that litter the environment. Each board is also suspended over what seem to be a weird blue fog, which looks absolutely terrible.

Release Month:7
Release Year:2000
Developer:KCE Nagoya